Performance Improvement Convergence (PIC)

Managing employee performance plays a key role in achieving organizational objectives.
It’s been said many times, “Tell me how a person is measured, and I will show you how
they behave”. 

Every organization has a requirement to exceed expectation, to improve the performance of each individual on the payroll, it’s called organizational effectiveness, but few in the organization are willing to dedicate the time and effort it will take to properly manage, coach, and motivate employee performance. In fact motivation has become a pivotal component of managing performance in our current economic environment. With the current shifts in our economy, we still have issues with retention, moral, culture and in these unprecedented times, we're having to do more with less which creates an enormous amount of stress.  

The manner in which organizations choose to improve employee performance is pivotal to achieving results. That is why we believe in using Key Performance Objectives. When you’re aiming to increase performance through diligent execution, your performance tracking process must have specific objectives tied to departmental and company goals. You need to remove the subjectivity and put in more objectivity based on your strategic plan and annual performance expectations. 

The Performance Evaluation Process

Performance Evaluation Process

Potential issues may impact employee moral and productivity:

Appraisals are delayed, perceived unfair or inequitably balanced, may be delivered under stressful circumstances. Demonstrate a lack of constructive feedback on the part of the evaluator. Feedback is too ambiguous, vague, and not specific to performance criteria. Employee believes there is a leniency, central tendency, recency, halo effect, or pitchfork effect associated with their appraisal creating evaluation pitfalls.

Improve Tracking & Administration:

All evaluation content is derived from an accurate, complete, and up-to-date job description.
Create immediate, consistent, and systematic feedback relative to performance criteria and what is evaluated. Content 100% checked for accuracy and timeliness. Avoid subjective ratings, base on core competencies. Leverage 360 degree feedback in team based structures. Train managers to conduct proper evaluations

We need your help.

Make a donation today to support our continued research and development. 

(949) 793-5761 |
28241 Crown Valley Pkwy Suite 159, Laguna Niguel, CA. 92677

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